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German numbers — Of Languages and Numbers ~ The German language uses the long scale for big numbers where the naming pattern of the scale words alternates between the illion and illiarde suffixes Million 10 6 million Milliarde 10 9 billion Billion 10 12 trillion Billiarde 10 15 quadrillion Trillion 10 18 quintillion Trilliarde 10 21 sextillion… Write a number in full in German
German Numbers Learn To Count From 0 to 1000 in German ~ For the other German numbers between 13 and 19 you take the first four letters of the number between three and nine like the rule above and add the word “zehn” or ten at the end drei zehn “thirteen” vier zehn “fourteen” fünf zehn “fifteen” and so on
Numbering systems — Of Languages and Numbers ~ Of Languages and Numbers Numbering systems Counting is a wonderful skill that allows us to grasp both time and space To measure the time between two events to detect and predict cycles to describe the world in terms of a journey’s length these are the primordial things a being able to count can do and share with others
List of languages by total number of speakers Wikipedia ~ Lists of endangered languages Lists of languages List of languages without official status by total number of speakers List of languages by number of native speakers List of languages by the number of countries in which they are recognized as an official language World language Languages used on the Internet References
What are the German Numbers 1 10 ~ The numbers 1 to 10 in German Find out how to say any number in German up to 9999 Try our games Crosswords Bingo Memory and Word Search
Numbers in German Learn German numbers ~ Learning German Numbers Did you come up with a worldsaving algorithm Take a break from the German numbers and visit the German words page After that you can calculate how long it will take you to learn are countless German phrases for you to learn as well A good understanding of the German numbers will help you learn the German language
German Numbers How to count in German ~ German Numbers How to count in German Need more German Try the German courses at Udemy the videos with subtitles and translations at Yabla German and FluentU the audio and video lessons at and the German Interlinear book with English translations
Basic German Ordinal Numbers dummies ~ Ordinal numbers are the kinds of numbers that show what order things come in You need ordinal numbers when you’re talking about das Datum dâs dah toom the date die Feiertage dee fay er tah ge the holidays die Stockwerke in einem Hotel dee shtok verke in ayn em hoh tel
Numbers 1100 German Language Blog ~ German Numbers 1100 Posted by komo on Mar 24 2010 in Uncategorized For language learners new to German a simple table of numbers can be quite useful We’ve created that very thing for you right here
List of languages by number of native speakers Wikipedia ~ The top eleven languages have additional figures from the 2010 edition of the Nationalencyklopedin Numbers above 95 million are rounded off to the nearest 5 million
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