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Ancient Greece Daily Life The British Museum ~ Daily Life Life in ancient Greece was quite different for men and women Whilst men were expected to take an active part in the public life of their city women were expected to lead a private life as wives and mothers Their lives were centred on the home
Daily Life in Ancient Greece for Kids and Teachers ~ Growing Up in Ancient Greece Men Daily life in ancient Greece was centered on the home Men moved freely They left home each day to work in the fields or in the town They might visit a barber shop where they heard the latest gossip and news
Greek Daily Life Ancient Greek People Fun Facts ~ The daily life of an ancient Greek was very similar to our lives today Of course ancient Greeks did not have smart phones computers televisions or electricity But they did live in highly organized cities where they could go see a play or a sporting event or attend a number of different schools or could join the army and become a soldier
Ancient Greece for Kids Daily Life ~ The Ancient Greeks mostly ate bread dipped in wine cheeses fish olives and vegetables Meat like pork or beef was only eaten on rare occasions such as festivals Watered down wine was the main drink The men would often have dinner parties for their friends
Daily life in Ancient Greece for Kids ~ Men had a much better life in Ancient Greece than women Only men could be full citizens Only men made the important decisions Normally only men fought in armies took part in sports and met in public Spartan women were taught reading and writing and skills to protect themselves in battle
Daily Life in Ancient Greece 6th Grade Social Studies ~ The Ancient Greeks mostly ate bread dipped in wine cheeses fish olives and vegetables Meat like pork or beef was only eaten on rare occasions such as festivals Watered down wine was the main drink
Greece Daily life and social customs Britannica ~ Greece Greece Daily life and social customs In the hot summers social life in Greece tends to be outdoors In small towns and villages the tradition of the volta continues when at sundown much of the population strolls up and down the main street or on the islands along the shore
Everyday Life in Ancient Athens ~ Everyday life in Ancient Athens of the Hellenistic era was more intellectually stimulating and exciting than in most ancient cities mainly due to the fact that Greeks excelled in theater and philosophy and were involved in politics and athletics contests as well
Ancient Greece Culture and Society in the Ancient Greek ~ Ancient Greek Everyday Life Men if they were not training in military or discussing politics went to the Theatre for entertainment To watch dramas that they could relate to including tragedies and comedies These often involved current politics and gods in some form
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